Tuesday, April 13, 2021

645 With Amoila Cesar New Beachbody program

 Beachbody announced its newest program on this past weekend Super Saturday  645 named for the most active time on Beachbody as well 6 workout for week for 45 minutes each.  

Created by hardess super trainer  Amoilia Cesar  of the Work and Prep fame.   

Created by Beachbody Super Trainer Amoila Cesar, 645 is a cutting-edge strength and mobility training program designed to help you build incredible power while losing weight — and without finishing workouts feeling defeated or wiped out.

He’ll motivate you the same way he does some of the world’s best athletes to get your best workout, every day.

Each session starts with a total-body warm-up that activates your muscles and readies them for the hard work to come. Make no mistake, these first 10 minutes are much more than a good stretch.

By focusing on your entire body, you’re setting yourself up to get the most out of every rep and every move, and to properly prep your body so that you’re physically ready for what’s to come.

645 is 6 days a week, 45 minutes a day, for 13 weeks.

This groundbreaking program is broken into 4 stages — the first three are 4 weeks each, while the last one is week 13.

More than getting great results, Amoila’s goal is to put you on a straight path to reaching your peak in 13 weeks without crawling across the finish line.

If you ever find a workout too challenging, you can follow the modifications as you build up your fitness level.

What Are the Workouts in 645?

For 4 days a week, you’ll focus on strength training, power, and hypertrophy, switching from heavier weights with low reps to lighter weights with higher reps. Each workout has 7 moves that will keep you fired up and engaged.

Wednesday is Mobility & Stability, with an emphasis on efficient activation, stretching, and movement. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to get back to the next day’s workout.

Saturday is Cardio 45, a high-energy cardio session that will build multidirectional speed and agility to get your heart pumping and calories burning.

Sunday is your day. Use it to meal prep, relax, and reframe your mind for the week ahead.

In each of the first 3 stages, you’ll gradually change up your reps and weights as you progress to more challenging moves.

On the 4th week of each stage, you’ll decrease the number of sets to limit the volume of work and enhance recovery before the next stage begins.

Remember, the goal is to work your muscles without over-training them.

Week 13 is your Performance Stage, where you’ll do your final push to finish strong.

Here is some of the excitement regarding 645 

Awesome I am so happy it is 6 days a week and 45 minutes a day as well as using resistance training and personal preference of no cussing. Thank you, I hope I love this one!!

Plz adopt me and help me get my pre COVID body back 🥴🥴😂

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