Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Weekends Self sabotage

I am my own worst enemy when it comes to weight loss.

I didn’t have a good weekend food wise. Am I get a little too lax about being under 200lbs. There were some potato chips in the house that started calling my name and boy did I respond. I can’t have these things in the house. Last weekend was Doritos incident . Will I ever lose weight if I continue this self sabotage. I did get my act together on Monday for food. Weekdays I am so good!

Besides food Saturday was Turbo Scuplt I really like doing this workout. However I think I made my arm that was hurting any more hurt. Sunday I even up taking off from exercise. Monday night was my swimming and pool walking for 30 minutes.
Reflecting back for the month of July I had 600 minutes of exercise. I really think I lose better when I am at 700 minutes plus.


  1. At least you realise when you are sabotaging, someone people don't you'd be surprised...

    Pool walking? Is that just walking around the swimming pool? May be able to do that on holiday if I don't overdo it...



  2. Hi
    I'm also doing the fat to fit blog thing and found your blog today.
    Sometimes the weekends are like that. Sometimes on the weekends, I just feel like I have to have a treat. I always think that unless I just eat ALL weekend that a treat is not bad for me. (maybe I'm just trying to justify it.)
    Now following you.
    Have a good week
